Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A conspiracy theory revealed

I usually just laugh at conspiracy theories, but this one holds water far too well. After much contemplating, scribbling, twitching, and talking to myself in bathrooms, I finally figured out why hoverboards have never reached the marketplace.

Soon after their existence was revealed in Back to the Future II, the Fat Mafia (aka the "Husky" Mafia and the "Big-Boned" Mafia) bought the rights and technology to produce them. They had previously invested enormous amounts of money in the video-gaming industry and were petrified of the hoverboard's potential ability to lure kids away from their consoles.

I don't think we'll feel the hoverboard ecstasy experienced by Marty, Griff and the gang, or Doc and Clara until the gaming industry crumbles. Frankly, I'm jealous! Join me in bringing about the hoverboard by boycotting video games!


  1. Even video games where movement is involved... aka x box kinect? By the way I LOVE your blog. Keep the inspirational posts coming!

  2. Thanks Kara! Unfortunately I think the Fat Mafia controls ALL video games:). I think they just released the wii fit and kinect to deflect attention from their operations.
