Monday, February 28, 2011

What's my motivation to maintain?

I'd thought I'd write a quick follow-up to my last post to spell out my motivation for making sure I maintain, and taking extra steps when necessary:

-It's silly to have gone to the trouble of losing a significant amount of weight if I'm not going to maintain.  That's like planning a date for weeks then calling your date "fat" when you pick her up (even if you have good, fitfattyatheart intentions)
-Peace of mind- I like knowing that I'm healthy and am doing what I can to prevent future health problems
-I like looking good (I'm so vain, and yes, this post is about me)

Look, I know how fun it is to eat whatever I want and throw caution to the wind (health-wise), but trust me, THE CONSEQUENCES ARE NOT WORTH IT! 

1 comment:

  1. I find, speaking only for myself, that motivation to maintain is pretty easy to come by - I'm a very routine-driven person, and once I get into a good exercise routine it just sort of naturally happens. What's harder is when I have life changes that disrupt my routine for a couple of weeks. Then I have a devil of a time getting back into exercising again. Has this happened to you before, and if so, what was the easiest way you found to get back into the routine?
